Gabriele Fontane joined Oppenhoff in 2018. Prior to this, she was a founding partner of Otto Mittag Fontane, a law firm specialised in advising on M&A and private equity transactions, which was set up in 2009 by a spin-off of Thümmel, Schütze & Partner’s Frankfurt office. Gabriele Fontane practiced at Thümmel, Schütze & Partner for 14 years, including 11 years as a partner of the firm. She studied law at the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main and started her career in 1993 as a foreign associate at Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle in New York.

Gabriele Fontane has been advising on M&A and private equity transactions since 1994.
She has proven expertise in management participation schemes and provides advice in this area to both managers offered a participation by financial investors as well as private equity houses. She additionally provides legal support to enterprises and family-run companies considering the sale of their enterprise. In this area, she also specialises in re-investments by sellers (so-called owner’s buy out) and family members.
She regularly advises family offices, private investors and business angels on investments in start-ups and venture capital funded enterprises.
Gabriele Fontane has been a lecturer on private equity on the M&A course at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management since 2006. Since 2021, she has been a member of the supervisory board of the listed company hGears AG.
Gabriele Fontane is regularly named in the legal directories JUVE Handbuch, Legal 500 Deutschland and Best Lawyers as a frequently recommended lawyer in the areas M&A, private equity and venture capital.
Dr. Gabriele Fontane
German, English
Bockenheimer Landstraße 2-4
60306 Frankfurt am Main
T +49 69 707968 172
M +49 162 2703 858
Books and Legal Commentaries
Documentary Credit Law throughout the World [Documentary Credit Law throughout the World]
ICC Publication dated 2001, No. 633 (in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Rolf A. Schütze)
Articles and Essays
Zur Erfüllung von Aufklärungspflichten des Verkäufers durch Offenlegung von Informationen in einem Datenraum [The fulfilment of a seller’s clarification obligations by disclosing information in a data room]
DER BETRIEB dated 30 October 2023, Issue 44, pp. 2554-2555 (in collaboration with Dr. Günter Seulen)
Rückenwind für Käufer bei Fusionen und Übernahmen [Tailwind for buyers in mergers and takeovers]
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung dated 05 October 2022
Managementbeteiligung, nein danke? [Management participation, no thanks?]
BVK-Kurier dated 07 June 2022 (in collaboration with Jan Kaminski)
Die Familie an Bord holen [Getting the family on board]
FINANCE, special supplement dated March/April 2020
Neue Entwicklungen bei der Verkäuferhaftung bei M&A-Transaktionen [New developments in the seller’s liability in M&A transactions]
JUVE-Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien dated 2017/2018
Chancen beim Unternehmensverkauf - Private Equity kann helfen [Opportunities during a company sale – private equity can help] dated 5 July 2016
Was den Private Equity-Markt 2016 aus rechtlicher Sicht bewegen wird [A legal perspective of what will affect the private equity market in 2016]
VentureCapital Magazin dated 7 December 2015
Vom Kapitalgeber zum strategischen Partner [From investor to strategic partner]
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Supplement: Financing for medium-sized businesses, dated 29 September 2015
PE - Attraktive Gestaltungen für Unternehmerfamilien [PE – attractive structures for entrepreneurial families]
PLATOW Recht dated 12 November 2014
Private Equity: Rückbeteiligung als Chance für Verkäufer [Private equity: reinvestment as an opportunity for sellers]
Wie die Zusammenarbeit auf Zeit gelingt [How temporary cooperations can succeed]
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Supplement “Finanzierung für den Mittelstand” (Financing for medium-sized businesses) dated 14 November 2012 (in collaboration with Dr. Hans-Jochen Otto)
Mittelstandsfinanzierung – Wo Private Equity helfen kann [Financing medium-sized businesses – where private equity can help]
PLATOW Online (in collaboration with Dr. Hans-Jochen Otto)
Wer hat das Sagen? - Equity Line- und Backstop-Vereinbarungen [Who’s calling the tune? – Equity line and backstop agreements]
FINANCE, Special Supplement dated 10 February 2010 (in collaboration with Dr. Thomas M. Hofacker)
Cash Pooling könnte wieder leichter werden [Cash pooling could become easier again]
Jahrbuch Unternehmensfinanzierung dated 2008, 98
Risikobegrenzung oder Gefahrenquelle? – Kenntnisklauseln in Unternehmenskaufverträgen [Risk minimisation or source of risk? – Provisions on knowledge in company sale and purchase agreements]
Venture Capital Magazin, Special Supplement dated 14 May 2004
28 June 2024, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management: Management participation - Lecture within the scope of the M&A postgraduate course
Retail and Consumer GoodsMergers & Acquisitions / Antitrust Law and Merger Control / Tax Law / Corporate Law / Employment Law / Real Estate Law29.06.2023 News
Oppenhoff advises the sellers of Galileo Lebensmittel Group on sale to Dr. Oetker
Oppenhoff has provided comprehensive legal and tax advice to the shareholders of Galileo Lebensmittel-Group on the company’s sale to Dr. August Oetker KG.
Mergers & Acquisitions / Private Equity / Corporate Law / Tax Law / Real Estate Law / Antitrust Law and Merger Control30.03.2023 News
Oppenhoff advises shareholders of Hermann Maschinenbautechnologie on investment by VORSPRUNG
Oppenhoff has advised the shareholders of Hermann GmbH Maschinenbautechnologie (HemaTec), Germany's leading manufacturer in the field of hydraulic steel engineering, on the investment by the financial investor VORSPRUNG. The sellers are remaining on board and, together with the investor, will expand HemaTec's pioneering role in hydraulic steel engineering.
Retail and Consumer GoodsCorporate Law / Mergers & Acquisitions / Intellectual Property Law / Employment Law / IT Law and Data Protection10.12.2021 News
Oppenhoff advises SellerX on the acquisition of KW-Commerce
Oppenhoff advised SellerX, Europe’s top aggregator of e-commerce businesses, in the takeover of KW-Commerce GmbH, one of the largest private label sellers on amazon worldwide. Following the completion of the transaction the two founders of KW-Commerce will join the SellerX senior leadership team.