Public Procurement Law

Transactions in the public sector are subject to a complex regulatory framework. Public procurement law often plays a key role when companies and states conclude contracts. Whether these are classic purchase contracts for capital or consumer goods or for comprehensive services for the public sector, the range of government demand is almost limitless. Public sector clients often occupy monopoly positions; in most cases they buy on a large scale and their purchasing conduct can have an immense influence on the development of entire industries.
We have known the ropes of this business for decades. Our experts represent and advise suppliers from industry and medium-sized businesses with foresight in their participations in procurement proceedings and in disputes with government agencies. Our procurement law practice is available to enterprises and entrepreneurs. Our particular strength lies in negotiations with government clients at home and abroad. Not only are we familiar with the procedures and practices in procurement proceedings; we are also well aware of the special interests on the company side. Public procurement law must serve distribution interests. It is not an end in itself, but it can nevertheless play a decisive role in the success or failure of a bid.
We provide comprehensive advice on public procurement matters both nationally and internationally. Together with our clients, we evaluate tender documents, identify legal opportunities and risks in the procurement proceedings, assist in the proper drafting of contracts and thus secure the economic advance performance of a bidder joining procurement proceedings. Where disputes are unavoidable, we soundly assert our clients’ legal positions before the courts and public procurement tribunals. We have procured numerous landmark decisions in public procurement law at both German and EU level.
JUVE Handbook Commercial Law Firms, 2021/2022
Extensive industry knowledge in the defence and security sector.
WirtschaftsWoche, 2019
Awarded as Top-lawfirm for Procurement law in Germany.
Who’s Who Legal, 2018
Recommended practice for government contracts.
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