Oppenhoff advises the sellers of Galileo Lebensmittel Group on sale to Dr. Oetker

Oppenhoff has provided comprehensive legal and tax advice to the shareholders of Galileo Lebensmittel-Group on the company’s sale to Dr. August Oetker KG.

The family-run company, based in Trierweiler, is one of the most important manufacturers of frozen mini pizzas and frozen snacks in Europe. Galileo supplies, among others, leading food retailers with so-called white label products.

Dr. Oetker is one of the largest food manufacturers in Europe and one of the leading producers of frozen pizzas.

The transaction is subject to approval by the relevant antitrust authorities. Following an intensive competition review by the German Federal Cartel Office, all competition concerns were successfully eliminated during the preliminary examination procedure. The approval by the Austrian antitrust authorities is still pending.

The Oppenhoff team led by Dr. Gabriele Fontane (M&A) included Dr. Simon Spangler, Renée Cherelle Eckruth (both merger control), Marc Krischer, Jan Mohrmann, Hanjo Prondzinski (all tax law), Christof Gaudig, Jan Kaminski (both M&A / corporate), Anja Dombrowsky (labor law), Dr. Stefanie Minzenmay and Marvin Rochner (both real estate law).

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