
Oppenhoff advises Transition Evergreen on the acquisition of C4 Energie Group

Oppenhoff has advised the French investor Transition Evergreen on the acquisition of C4 Energie Group, consisting of C4 Energie AG and 16 affiliated companies, from its founders.

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23.11.2021 Newsletter

Competition Register: BMWi heralds final phase

The time has finally come: data can be transmitted electronically to the Competition Register. On 29 October 2021, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology [Bun-deswirtschaftsministerium – BMWi] gave its go-ahead in the German Federal Gazette [Bun-desanzeiger].

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IT Law and Data Protection22.11.2021 Newsletter

Online Platforms: Does my website comply with the legal requirements?

Online platforms are subject to a number of regulatory requirements. New regulations not only come from Brussels, but also from Berlin. Besides general regulations for online platforms, there are numerous special regulations, e.g. for streaming platforms, social media. Read here which regulations are important for your website.

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Antitrust law as a spoiler for sustainability initiatives?

There is no alternative to sustainable management: The EU wants to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 with its "Green Deal". Sustainability initiatives are effective if they find the broadest possible acceptance in the respective industry. To achieve this, companies must work together and agree on uniform standards. This raises questions under antitrust law: How closely may competitors cooperate? When are the "red lines" crossed? Is it even permissible to forge a cartel for the good of the environment?

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Employment Law18.11.2021 Newsletter

What the upcoming amendment of the German Infection Protection Act (IfSG) mean for employers

During the course of the COVID 19 pandemic, the legislator has enacted countless provisions providing a legal basis for measures to combat the pandemic. Several of these provisions are linked to an "epidemic situation of national importance". However, this ends with the expiry of 25 November 2021. Therefore, the Bundestag passed the new Infection Protection Act of the so-called “traffic light” parties, the approval of which will be discussed by the Bundesrat today, on 19 November 2021. Once it enters into force, the new regulations of the Infection Protection Act are to initially apply until 19 March 2022.

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17.11.2021 News

Frequently recommended by in-house lawyers: Oppenhoff climbs to 4th place in Kanzleimonitor’s overall ranking

Oppenhoff has achieved 4th place in the overall ranking of the law firm monitor Kanzleimonitor 2021/2022. Oppenhoff has thus climbed three places since last year.

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Retail and Consumer Goods16.11.2021 News

Supply bottlenecks: rights and claims of retailers and online traders

Global supply chains are groaning. Corona crisis, semiconductor bottleneck, container shortage, congestion at ports - all this has created supply shortages and is currently having a severe impact on trade. Disputes between producers, traders, transporters and end consumers are not uncommon. Our experts are taking a look at the current legal issues affecting trade.

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Retail and Consumer Goods16.11.2021 Newsletter

Omnibus Directive: further notification obligations and easier termination options strengthen consumer protection

Shortly before the end of the last legislative period, the German legislator passed several consumer protection laws. Stationary traders, online traders and operators of online marketplaces must implement several changes. Simon Sawert explains where action is needed.

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Oppenhoff advises SWARCO on acquisition of Dynniq Mobility

Oppenhoff has advised SWARCO AG on the acquisition of the Mobility division of the Dynniq Group, coordinating the work of foreign law firms in nine jurisdictions.

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04.11.2021 News

JUVE Awards 2021: Oppenhoff Law Firm of the Year for Company/Succession/Trusts

Oppenhoff has been named Law Firm of the Year for the area of Company/Succession/Trusts at this year's JUVE Awards. This is in recognition of the outstanding development of the practice and the team led by Dr. Axel Wenzel. Oppenhoff was also nominated in no less than three categories this year: Compliance, Media & Technology and Law Firm of the Year.

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Retail and Consumer Goods04.11.2021 Newsletter

Modernisation of consumer protection: obligations to provide information, fines and damages

Driven by digitisation, consumer protection is currently being modernised: in August 2021, two further new legislative amendments were promulgated. These will come into force on 28 May 2022. Previously, in June 2021, amendments were promulgated, which particularly affected purchase law. Below, we explain the impact the new legislative amendments will have on traders and what preparatory steps they can already take.

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FISG: effects on supervisory boards and the composition of the audit committee

In July of this year, the German Act on the Strengthening of Financial Market Integrity (Gesetz zur Stärkung der Finanzmarktintegrität), or “FISG” for short, came into force. With this, the legislator wishes to strengthen confidence in the German financial market again, especially after the so-called Wirecard scandal. To this end, the FISG envisages a large number of measures, including the legal obligation of listed stock corporations to establish an internal control system (ICS) and risk management system (RMS), the strengthening of the independence and tightening of the liability of annual accounts’ auditors, and the extension of the powers of the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht – BaFin).

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Automotive and Mobility02.11.2021 News

Oppenhoff advises German Association of the Automotive Industry on the implementation of a sustainability standard for the automotive industry

Oppenhoff has advised the German Association of the Automotive Industry e.V. (Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. - VDA) on the foundation of the Responsible Supply Chain Initiative (RSCI) e.V. Together with manufacturers, suppliers and other associations, the VDA is developing a voluntary, standardised testing mechanism to evaluate the sustainability performance of companies in automotive supply chains.

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26.10.2021 News

Oppenhoff advises majority shareholder of Telexiom on sale of company

Oppenhoff has advised the majority shareholder of the IT consulting company Telexiom AG on the sale of all shares in the company to the US competitor Qualitest Group. The majority shareholder also represented the other shareholders in the sale of their shares.

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In-house lawyers as obligated parties under the GwG

For a long time, it was unclear to what extent in-house lawyers are ‘obligated parties’ within the meaning of the German Money Laundering Act (Geldwäschegesetz - GwG). On 1 January 2020, the legislator introduced the new Sec. 10 (8a) GwG, which explicitly names in-house lawyers as obligated parties for the first time, thus clarifying that in-house lawyers are also addressees of the obligations under money laundering law. However, there is still a lack of clarity on many points as far as the exact scope of the obligations of in-house lawyers are concerned. Companies and in-house lawyers affected by this need to review their specific obligations under the GwG as soon as possible if they are to avoid fines for violations of its obligations.

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Employment Law18.10.2021 Newsletter

Amended election regulations for works council elections

On Friday, 15.10.2021, new election regulations for the election of the works council and the youth and trainee representation have come into force. This means that the amendments of the Works Council Constitution Act (“Betriebsverfassungsgesetz”, BetrVG) already in force since 18.06.2021 as a result of the “Betriebsrätemodernisierungsgesetz” (Works Council Modernization Act) have been transported by the ordinance amending the election regulations, the election regulations for maritime shipping and the ordinance on the conduct of works council elections at postal companies into the election regulations. We have summarized the changes to the election regulations for you below.

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Intellectual Property Law14.10.2021 News

Launch of gaming and entertainment platform RUSH.GG: Oppenhoff advises Rush Entertainment on trademark law

Oppenhoff has advised the e-sports company Rush Entertainment AG on legal issues relating to the development of its brand presence, including the launch of the modern e-sports entertainment and community platform RUSH.GG. Rush Entertainment was recently founded by the managers of the agency STARK Esports GmbH.

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Employment Law14.10.2021 Newsletter

“Mini-jobbers”: corona landmark decision of the BAG?

Yesterday, the Federal Labour Court (BAG) ruled that a „mini-jobber“ cannot demand a wage if the business was closed on grounds of a corona-related general decree. The decision is to be welcomed. However, the details of the case do not allow too many generalisations to be made with respect to all companies. Furthermore, the swift pace at which the proceedings were conducted would suggest that the last word has not yet been spoken on this issue.

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Oppenhoff advises Schoofs Immobilien on the sale of six food markets

Oppenhoff has advised Schoofs Immobilien GmbH Frankfurt on the sale of six food markets which are currently under construction to Habona Invest GmbH. The sale, valued at €37 million, was carried out as a forward deal.

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Company car 2.0: Electric or hybrid company cars or perhaps a mobility budget?

Many employers are taking advantage of the ongoing development of electric and hybrid vehicles to break new ground when it comes to company cars. Employers can make a visible contribution to reducing emissions and simultaneously retain and attract climate-conscious employees.

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Employment Law05.10.2021 Newsletter

Posting of workers within the EU: the following applies to French employees in Germany

When French employees are posted to Germany by their employer, the provisions of European law on the posting of employees have to be observed. The revised European Posting of Workers Directive was transposed into German law on 30 July 2020 with the reformed German Act on the Posting of Workers [Arbeitnehmerentsendegesetz - AEntG]. Since then, the regulations for posting workers have become even stricter. Violations of the relevant requirements can result in fines. It is therefore worth taking a new look at the essential provisions.

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04.10.2021Frankfurt am Main News

Further growth in Frankfurt: lawyer and notary Hans-Joachim Otto joins Oppenhoff

Oppenhoff is strengthening its ranks with lawyer and notary Dr. h.c. Hans-Joachim Otto. Otto’s focus is the provision of legal advice on real estate and estate agency law in particular, as well as the notarisation of real estate transactions. Hans-Joachim Otto has joined Oppenhoff’s Frankfurt office on 1 October 2021.

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Group-wide whistleblowing system: not enough for the EU Commission

The disappointment is great: many global corporations have already established a central whistleblowing system and regarded this as sufficient with regard to the implementation of the EU Whistleblower Directive. This is not enough for the EU Commission. For companies, this means considerable additional effort in reorganising their whistleblowing systems.

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German Federal Court of Justice: Porsche may not prohibit authorised dealers from selling to tuning companies

According to a recently published ruling by the Federal Court of Justice [Bundesgerichtshof - BGH], car manufacturers may not prohibit their authorised dealers from selling new vehicles, spare parts and accessories to independent tuning companies. The BGH classifies such a restriction of customer groups as an impermissible restraint of competition.

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Foreign Trade09.09.2021 Newsletter

Dual-Use Regulation: what companies need to know and how they can benefit

The Dual-Use Regulation comes into force today, 9 September 2021. Almost three months after its publication, there is still some uncertainty as to how exactly the regulations are now going to be applied. What do I, as an entrepreneur, have to consider and how can I possibly profit from the new regulations. Our expert Stefan Müller provides answers.

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Julia Witte

Julia Witte

Communications Manager

Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 23
50668 Cologne
T +49 221 2091 342
