Elisabeth Fischer has been a lawyer at Oppenhoff since 2023. She studied law at the University of Bayreuth. During her legal internship at the Higher Regional Court of Oldenburg, Elisabeth Fischer also worked at the Ministry of the Interior and Sport of Lower Saxony, in a boutique law firm for labour law and in Portland (Oregon). Before transferring to Oppenhoff, she was a research assistant at the Research Centre for European Environmental Law (FEU) at the University of Bremen and completed a period of research at the University of Cape Town at the Institute for Marine and Environmental Law (IMEL). In 2023, Elisabeth Fischer received her PhD in law with a thesis in the field of climate change litigation.
Dr. Elisabeth Fischer
Dispute Resolution – Litigation – Arbitration Proceedings

Elisabeth Fischer advises and represents companies in commercial law disputes both in and out of court. Her work includes in particular the defence and enforcement of all types of damage claims, with a focus on general contract law and advisors‘ liability.
Elisabeth Fischer also has particular expertise in the area of Climate Change Litigation. She is a lecturer at the University of Bremen and member of the law firm’s ESG & Sustainability Group.
Dr. Elisabeth Fischer
German, English
Bockenheimer Landstraße 2-4
60306 Frankfurt am Main
T +49 69 707968 192
M +49 160 2156 001
Articles and Essays
Umsatzwachstum durch nachhaltigkeitsbezogene Werbeaussagen – Rechtliche Fallstricke bei der Werbung mit klimabezogenen Aussagen [Growth in sales through sustainability-related advertising claims – legal pitfalls of advertising with climate-related claims]
ESGZ (Vol. 10) 2024, pp. 4-9 (in collaboration with Dr. Patric Mau)
Was Unternehmen jetzt über Klimaklagen wissen müssen [What companies need to know about climate lawsuits now]
F.A.Z. Einspruch dated 05 September 2024
"Klimahaftung - Risiken für Unternehmen" [Liability for climate change – risks for companies]
Sustainable Value (Vol. 3) 2024, pp. 9-13
Books and Legal Commentaries
Kausalität im Klimaschutz – Zur Individualzurechnung von Klimafolgen an Unternehmen [Causality in climate protection – the individual attribution of climate consequences to companies]
Dissertation, Nomos 2024
„Climate Change Litigation – Klagen, die die Rechtslandschaft verändern“ [Climate change litigation – lawsuits that change the legal landscape], Lecturing post at the University of Bremen: Block seminar on 18-19 November 2024 with a focus on climate, environment and ocean (in collaboration with the lawyer Dr. Sandra Gerdes, LLM)
„Climate Change Responsibility – Das Spannungsfeld zwischen unternehmerischer Freiheit und Verantwortung“, [Climate Change Responsibility - The area of conflict between entrepreneurial freedom and responsibility], January 19/20, 2024, in the focus area of public commercial law and environmental law, together with attorney at law Sandra Gerdes, LLM
„Klimaklagen gegen Unternehmen“ [Climate law suits against companies], Lecture with subsequent discussion round on the topic during the “Female Future Docs” events held by the German Women Lawyers Association (DJB) on 25 April 2023
„Horizontale Klimaklagen“ im Rahmen eines Online-Workshops „Klagen zum Klimaschutz“ [“Horizonal climate law suits” in the context of an online workshop “Law suits on climate protection“] held by the German Agency for International Cooperation (Deutschen Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH - GIZ) on 25 February 2022