Oppenhoff advises Shop Apotheke on the acquisition of Smartpatient

Oppenhoff has comprehensively advised MDAX-listed Shop Apotheke Europe N.V. on the acquisition of Smartpatient GmbH.

Smartpatient, based in Munich, inter alia, provides digital medication management services via the "MyTherapy" app. The health app is currently used by around 1.4 million users and is suitable for use with almost all chronic diseases. The founders of Smartpatient remain active in the operational business.

The transaction is a significant step for Shop Apotheke in expanding its range of digital health services.

Oppenhoff provided the buyer with full legal and tax support during the transaction. The team, led by Dr Gabriele Fontane (M&A), comprised Dr Andrés Martin-Ehlers (co-lead, antitrust, state aid, pharmaceutical contracts), Dr Gunnar Knorr, Hanjo Prondzinski (both tax), Dr Johannes Janning (regulatory/pharmaceutical), Dr Jürgen Hartung (data protection), Georg Lecheler (IP), Jörn Kuhn, Johannes Kaesbach (both labour law), Marc Alexander Häger, Marvin Rochner (both commercial lease law), Patrick Schwarze (IT) and Simon Peetz (commercial).

The client relationship with Shop Apotheke has existed for many years and goes back to the original client relationship with Europa Apotheek Venlo B.V., one of the first online pharmacies active in Germany.


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