Gunnar is a partner of Oppenhoff. He was an associate and managing associate at Oppenhoff & Rädler/Linklaters LLP from 2002 to 2007. He studied law at the Universities of Cologne and Bonn (Dr. iur.). He has been a Tax Adviser since 2005. During his legal training he worked for two of Deloitte's predecessor companies in London and Paris and at the Commission of the European Communities, Brussels. Dr. Gunnar Knorr is a lecturer at the Frankfurt School of Finance and lectures on the mergers & acquisitions masters programme.

Gunnar Knorr specialises in tax advice on mergers and acquisitions and corporate financing, in particular with regard to cross-border transactions, the structuring and restructuring of corporate groups and advice on tax audits, including proceedings before fiscal courts.
Dr. Gunnar Knorr
PartnerRechtsanwaltCertified Tax Adviser
German, English, French
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 23
50668 Cologne
T +49 221 2091 541
M +49 162 2430 097
Articles and Essays
Gesetz zur Mindestbesteuerung wirkt sich auf M&A-Transaktionen aus [German Minimum Taxation Act affects M&A transactions]
Börsen-Zeitung dated 11 May 2024, p.11 (in collaboration with Till Liebau)
Global Legal Insights to: Corporate Tax 2023
glg global legal group, 11th edition, German chapter, p.30
International Comparative Legal Guide - Corporate Tax 2023, Chapter Germany, 19th Edition, pp. 41-46 (in collaboration with Marc Krischer)
Patentreife Lösungen: Zur Versicherung von IP-Risiken [Patent-ready solutions: On the insurance of IP risks]
GoingPublic dated 13 September 2022 (in collaboration with Dr. Markus Rasner, Till Liebau und Marcel Markovic)
Der Einsatz synthetischer W&I-Versicherungslösungen beim Unternehmensverkauf [The use of synthetic W&I insurance solutions in sell-side M&A]
M&A Review Europe dated April 2022 (in collaboration with Dr. Markus Rasner and Till Liebau)
International Comparative Legal Guide - Corporate Tax 2022, Chapter Germany, 18th Edition (in collaboration with Marc Krischer)
Bekannte Transaktionsrisiken versichern? [Insuring known transaction risks?]
Venture Capital-Magazin dated July 2021 issue, No. 05/21, pp. 26-27 (in collaboration with Dr. Markus Rasner)
Bald keine Share Deals mehr [Soon no more share deals]
LTO dated 09 June 2021
International Comparative Legal Guide - Corporate Tax 2021, Chapter Germany, 17th Edition, pp. 58-63 (in collaboration with Marc Krischer)
Zusammen ist man weniger allein [Together you're less alone]
Special M&A Insurance dated September 2020, p.18 (in collaboration with Dr. Markus Rasner and Till Liebau)
"Fully Insurable" Due Diligence
Special M&A Insurance dated June 2019 (in collaboration with Dr. Markus Rasner and Till Liebau)
Cum-Ex: Johannemann verlässt U-Haft, LG Wiesbaden lässt Anklage gegen Berger zu [CumEx: Johannemann leaves custody, Regional Court of Wiesbaden allows charges against Berger]
JUVE dated 19 December 2019
Erweiterter Deckungsumfang und Auswirkungen auf den Prozess [Extended scope of coverage and effects on the process]
M&A Review May 2018 (in collaboration with Dr. Markus Rasner and Till Liebau)
Global Legal Insights to: Corporate Tax 2017
glg global legal group, 5th edition, German chapter (in collaboration with Marc Krischer)
GmbH-Gründung: Benennung der Gründungskosten in der GmbH-Satzung erforderlich [Founding a GmbH: Foundation costs must be stated in the Articles of Association of the GmbH]
regarding Higher Regional Court of Celle, decision dated 11 February 2016 – 9 W 10/16, DER BETRIEB dated October 7, 2016, p. 2346 (in collaboration with Sarah Scharf)
Bekannte Transaktionsrisiken versichern? [Insuring known transaction risks?]
Venture Capital-Magazin dated July 2021 issue, No. 05/21, pp. 26-27 (in collaboration with Dr. Markus Rasner)
Books and Legal Commentaries
Beck’scher Online-Kommentar IT-Recht [Beck’s online commentary of IT law]
1st edition, 2021, co-author, publisher: Dr. Marc Hilber, Prof. Dr. Georg Borges
Deutsche Tochter im internationalen Konzern – Rechtshandbuch für die Praxis [German subsidiaries of international groups – a practical legal handbook]
Munich 2019 (publisher)
Tax Litigation
ed. by Miller Thomson LLP, Thomson Reuters 2013, German chapter (in collaboration with Axel Bödefeld/Gunnar Knorr/David Chodikoff)